
A Change in the Calling

My year spent at UNCG's Jackson library was truly a great experience.  Mostly, it was because of one very dynamic, positively-charged ion - Beth Filar Williams, the distance education services librarian.  We had a great time working together and accomplished so much!  I feel every minute of my internship was used to the fullest and that's more than I can say for some of the full-time jobs I've had!!

But...and there is always one of those lurking somewhere...I realized that I would probably not find the hours or schedule I would need to be home w/ my kids when they got home from school.  The thought of putting them in camps all summer was not an appealing idea, either.  So, I went back to the drawing board...Would it be so bad to rethink the thoughts about becoming a school media specialist?  I had started on that track when I first began taking classes.

After a week of thought (and looking at what I would need to do to make it happen!), I decided to jump back into it and this time, no turning back!

I start my field experience in the fall at a school in High Point.  They have a fab.u.lous media center and the woman who runs it is just so high energy - pretty incredible!  I'm excited to work w/ her...a little nervous about working w/ the elementary school kids, though.  It will be a learning curve but a good experience.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed!  Hope this goes well and there are jobs out there when I'm ready! ; )

Cheers -