
Excuse the mess...

While I'm in the process of ending my graduate school career, I'm working on transferring my information (PDP, resume, portfolio, etc.) to my blog.  Soooo...it's messy.  I don't like a mess.  I'm going through book fair at school right now and my desk is a mess.  My library is not a mess but in book fair land so sort of a "mess".  My house needs to be cleaned - it's a mess by my standards.  And sometimes, life is just messy, messy, messy!

So please excuse the mess.  I find that as I get older, I get more OCD about things like white space and clean countertops.  : ) However, it's in the midst of mess that I find what I'm looking for:

  • keys to my long forgotten bike lock
  • that really cool picture my son made back in May at school
  • a great lesson plan idea I wanted to try last spring and
  • myself.

Sometimes a mess is just necessary.  So please excuse the mess.  I'm a work in progress.




The Light at the End of the Tunnel

I can't believe it's been almost a whole year since I last wrote a post, but that's what happens when one is doing grad school, new school librarian job and raising a family! It's been a crazy time and thankfully, I'm finishing my MLIS journey this year.


I've rounded the bases and am nearing home plate. I can't tell you how good that feels to be almost free and in the clear.

I was reading my post from last December 2012...I really need to go back and read that again and again. There are so many truths in what I wrote that day that I have forgotten. Being a school librarian is "such a lonely job" to quote Ms. Lotta Scales (Thanks Ms. Deedy for understanding our profession!).  The hats that I wear each day - technologist, teacher, cataloger, analyst, writer, events coordinator, financial manager, collection developer, book reviewer,...it just gets exhausting some days and I didn't even mention my real title: LIBRARIAN.  Some days, I just want to be MOM...which has it's only specialty areas that include some of the above mentioned but at least it's to only 2 children.

I'm going to keep working on my blog now that I will have more time.  There are some really great lessons I've learned and I'd like to keep sharing what I'm learning.  The journey doesn't end with my grad school career.  It's only just beginning...
