
Recap: Why I'm Doing This

I've been posting information on pretty dull topics: dictionaries, atlases, gazetteers, etc. I know, not the stuff of legendary or memorable posts. So I wanted to stop and remind myself why all of this is important and why I need to keep going with this blog.

  1. At some point, I will be asked to recap my experience in my LIS program. It's called the "Capstone" project. It will include a personal statement, a portfolio and, overall what-have-you-learned-and-what-do-you-plan-on-doing-with-it-when-you-leave. This is my online memory of the various things I have learned and why they are important (to me).
  2. I think librarians get slack for not being creative, innovative or tech-friendly. I want to debunk this myth. TECHNOLOGY IS IMPORTANT. It's good. It helps us do incredible things. As Librarians, we need to embrace it and figure out ways to make it work for our information seekers. We need to test it, fiddle with it, break it, and come back to it with a fresh perspective each time it changes or evolves.
  3. While #3 is important, I think it needs to be noted that BOOKS ARE IMPORTANT. (Hmmm...who does that sound like?) We still need them in addition to all the very cool and wonderful pieces of technology out there. Both are necessary and useful, so let's not start throwing out the baby w/ the bath water, okay?
  4. I love library school, but I know there will be days when I don't love library school. These are the days I will need to remind myself why I'm here doing all of this.
  5. I like to write and I like having a blog. It's fun!
So that's my recap...I guess it would be nice to have some altruistic goals for this blog. Such as:
  • It would be great if I could create a more user-friendly library resource blog
  • Create book lists for different reading levels
  • Encourage support of local public libraries
I'll try and work on this as I go along..hey! I have 3 more years of classes so who knows what will happen!



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