
Navigating My New Membership

Since I 'officially' enrolled in my LIS program this spring, I decided to go ahead and join both ALA and NCLA. I have to admit, I am a joiner! I love professional organizations and conferences and meeting new people, etc., etc., etc.! I don't know why...I just do! ; )

AND...I got my membership card a few days ago in the mail, so now I'm really official. tee hee hee

I have to admit, however, that it's a bit overwhelming. Even figuring what round tables or committees to join is a bit daunting. I joined 2 RT's so far:
New Members RT
Library Research

The New Members should be REALLY helpful in getting plugged-in. The Library Research was "free" and looked interesting. Since I'd like to actuallydo research one day, it might be helpful to tap into that one now. ; )

One thing I did stumble across (and so glad I DID) is ALA-Connect. I found this even before I joined ALA. I can't remember the details, but someone was offering a seminar online that I thought looked interesting. Anyway, I poked around enough to know what was on the site. Now that I'm a member, I get access to other cool things, such as discussion groups and committees.

In addition to joining the round table discussion groups, I also joined several 'member communities' discussion groups (I didn't actual pay and join these committees, yet. I think that this might be a good way to 'test the waters' before doing so):

Member Communities

* Distance Learning Interest Group (DLIG) (LITA - Library Information Technology
* Distance Learning Section Discussion Group (ACRL DLS)
* Instructional Design

A little disappointed that there isn't more recent action on these, but I did learn that one of the people who's pretty active in distance ed/instructional design is a local! Yipee...always good to know there is a potential contact living nearby. ; )

One other cool thing I found is that I could join groups through my LinkedIn connection, too! I joined ACRL and ALA Groups and have found ACRL to be extremely helpful. Lots of posting about jobs, careers, education, etc. And it's FREE!! (Yea - I'm all about free.)

So that's it for now...getting back in the saddle in a few short weeks...and looking forward to it!



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