
To Be Real

I just received my "welcome" and mandatory orientation invitation by email yesterday. Hmmmm...is this all for real?? Am I really going to be a full-fledged student AGAIN!?!? Guess me and Toto are going to find out on the 21st of August!

There's going to be lots to do and learn this year. My 2 courses for this semester are...drum roll...:
1 Core - Collection Mgmt
1 Elective - Info Users and Uses

I'm pretty doggone psyched I'm going to have Dr. Hersberger again and that her course is mostly online (yippee!). I've liked all my core classes so far, too and collection management fascinates me. How does one decide what books, periodicals, reference matl's, etc. to choose!?!?!

As for orientation...well, I hope we do fun things since it's all day on a Saturday. I'm sure we'll be introduced to the faculty and other "new" students - like meeting new people, but...I'm not big on icebreaker stuff (but who really is!??!)

Secretly, the geek in me is hoping we get a tour of Jackson Library. I've been there and used what I need to use, but it would be nice to get the "behind-the-scenes" view. Besides, it would just be great to know a little more about what's there.

So...I'm limbering up my fingers so I can start writing about my journey again. It's been a little slow this summer but that's all going to change in 5 short weeks.




Be a Better Blogger!!

Great article and very simply written by Kevin Martineau. I'm trying...I really am...thanks for writing this Kevin. ; )

ps...I made my post short so I could re-read it!


Navigating My New Membership

Since I 'officially' enrolled in my LIS program this spring, I decided to go ahead and join both ALA and NCLA. I have to admit, I am a joiner! I love professional organizations and conferences and meeting new people, etc., etc., etc.! I don't know why...I just do! ; )

AND...I got my membership card a few days ago in the mail, so now I'm really official. tee hee hee

I have to admit, however, that it's a bit overwhelming. Even figuring what round tables or committees to join is a bit daunting. I joined 2 RT's so far:
New Members RT
Library Research

The New Members should be REALLY helpful in getting plugged-in. The Library Research was "free" and looked interesting. Since I'd like to actuallydo research one day, it might be helpful to tap into that one now. ; )

One thing I did stumble across (and so glad I DID) is ALA-Connect. I found this even before I joined ALA. I can't remember the details, but someone was offering a seminar online that I thought looked interesting. Anyway, I poked around enough to know what was on the site. Now that I'm a member, I get access to other cool things, such as discussion groups and committees.

In addition to joining the round table discussion groups, I also joined several 'member communities' discussion groups (I didn't actual pay and join these committees, yet. I think that this might be a good way to 'test the waters' before doing so):

Member Communities

* Distance Learning Interest Group (DLIG) (LITA - Library Information Technology
* Distance Learning Section Discussion Group (ACRL DLS)
* Instructional Design

A little disappointed that there isn't more recent action on these, but I did learn that one of the people who's pretty active in distance ed/instructional design is a local! Yipee...always good to know there is a potential contact living nearby. ; )

One other cool thing I found is that I could join groups through my LinkedIn connection, too! I joined ACRL and ALA Groups and have found ACRL to be extremely helpful. Lots of posting about jobs, careers, education, etc. And it's FREE!! (Yea - I'm all about free.)

So that's it for now...getting back in the saddle in a few short weeks...and looking forward to it!




What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up????

I know this is a departure from my chatter about my last course on reference materials, but I've found some other cool and rather interesting reading I felt like sharing (with myself, of course).

When I first started the LIS program, I thought I wanted to become a school media specialist. It seemed like a natural fit: books, kids (I have 2 and like them very much), technology, and THE BIG BONUS: the same school calendar as my kids. PERFECT!! Then I started learning more about the job. If all I've heard is true than I don't want to be someone's tech slave, esp. someone who just isn't interested in learning how to hook a laptop up to a projector. Been there, done that.

About the same time as this revelation was happening, we started reading about social science research methods in our intro class. WOW...I was hooked!! That's when I realized I wanted to stay in higher ed and some how, become involved with research. My plan is to become an academic librarian but I'm not sure where or how that will happen. Sure there are quite a few universities and colleges in this neck of the woods, but timing is everything.

Right now, I'm exploring the different round tables on ALA's website. I missed their conference this year, but hopefully will get to go next year.(I gotta figure out how to work the free or discounted student options to go!) I joined as a joint member of ALA and NCLA for $35!!! Way cool...

On my to-do list is to start finding a way to get plugged in and my first stop is the NMRT (new member's round table) as well as looking into the ACRL round table or discussion group. I need to start reading too and have this tome on my desktop:
"Futures Thinking for Academic Librarians: Higher Education in 2025". That scares me a little bit, but I need to get some perspective while I'm still in school (and still able to make decisions about 'what-I-want-to-be-when-I-grow-up'. ; )

One other cool thing...I get this awesome little e-newsletter called ALADirect. Love it! There are some great article snippets, updates, announcements, jobs (yea, jobs) and other tidbits posted in this email. Very cool! Here's one resource I want to share with everyone:

ALA's Page on Library Issues & Advocacy

Anyone can type in their zipcode and choose different alerts to send to their senators or representatives regarding libraries.

Well, that's my initial crack at ALA/NCLA...Let the research on these 2 sites begin...
