
Orient Me!

I get "orientated" on Saturday - whoo hoo! So here's my schedule:

8:30-9:00 a.m.
Check-in and continental breakfast (muffins, fruit, juice, coffee, etc.)

9:00-9:30 a.m.

Welcome and introduction of faculty

9:30-10:00 a.m.
Introduction to the program requirements

10:00-10:15 a.m.
Break, refreshments will be served

10:15 -10:45 a.m.
Campus information: (Parking, Books, bookstores and other book buying options, Jackson Library, TLC and TRC, LISSA membership, Campus computer labs, A walk through Curry will be given on the way to lunch)

Various Classrooms (Assignments TBD)

Meet with Advisor (Andrews, Bird, Carmichael, Chow, Chu, Durham, Gann, Hersberger, Kealy, Martin, Oguz, and Shiflett)

1:30-1:00 p.m.
Lunch with a current LIS student/LISSA member
Each group will be assigned one current LIS student/LISSA member

1:00-4:00 p.m.
Technology Boot Camp (304 and 305 Curry) - Signed copy of a technology competency checklist at the session for student folder will be handed out upon completion.

This means I can get there closer to 9am which really excites me because I was dreading the thought of getting out of my bed at 6:30 on a Sat. I know, I know...summer is over, but I'm clinging a little bit harder to it this year as I'm a bit fearful of all the work I've signed up to do. I just need to get started...

My Teach-Library job, however, is rockin'! I've already edited a tutorial that my boss did on how to conduct research. Once it goes live I will post it because the Plagiarism/Paraphrasing part is probably the best thing I've seen on the topic. Good stuff!

Okay..now I need to go read how I am supposed to write about what I'm learning and all that good fal-de-rall.




Got Me A J.O.B....

I'm pretty excited about this new adventure I'll be heading into in just a few short weeks. A few weeks ago, I applied for the Teach Library Internship within the Electronic Resources & Information Technology (ERIT) group on campus. I was pretty sure I wouldn't get it...how's that for being optimistic (and confident!!)? So I was amazed when I received an email two weeks ago telling me that I was the recipient! Whoo hooo...thank you God! This pays for my tuition for the entire 2010-2011 year. A huge deal in our household..AND...it's in an area near and dear to my heart - distance education!

I don't know exactly what I'll be doing, yet, but I know that I'm working with the Distance Ed. Librarian and a faculty member from LIS. It's a project-based internship where I'll actually 'make' something and it will be (fingers crossed) used by the ERIT group.

Anyway...now comes the tough part of getting myself back in gear with ye old ID stuff. It's been awhile...almost 5 years...and although I think most of it is common sense, I don't want to walk in to this job with the "duh" sign hanging over my head. However, I AM excited about the possibility of doing some real ID work and possibly creating some online courses. That would be fab-u-lous!

More to come...cheers!