
My degree work has not focused solely on librarianship in a K-5 setting. The following projects represent my interest in librarianship as a whole.

Class and Project Work
Final Project: BravoTV - Commercials as Information Study
Instructional Technology Toolkit

Interviewed Mary Ellen Bates and Martha Thomas Larson and wrote essays for The Entrepreneurial Librarian. Mary Ellen Bates is a information consultant and Martha Thomas Larson is a business librarian for Greensboro Public Library.
2011 - NCLA Conference - Everybody Teaches! creating effective online e-learning experiences - a workshop focusing on methods and practical application of instructional design for librarians finding themselves doing more teaching in their everyday work situations.
2010 - iDEALS Summit - Poster session - More than a GAship: Teach/Library Project - hilighting the benefits of working as co-collaborators between academic and practicing librarianship.