
Getting over the Hump...A Call to Action

I started off this day in a really brash kinda mood, but a glass a wine and 2 sleeping kids later, I realized I need to soften up a bit.

After reading articles, blogs, discussion boards,...you name it...about how there is no money, lay offs, no jobs, etc....I got really, really ticked off!! For example, here was the start of my orig. post from this morning:

Librarians Should Not Have to Work for FREE!!!

The rant continued but I realized that all I was doing was...well..ranting. And while it feels good in the moment, it doesn't really change the fact that libraries still have no money, lay offs...you get the point.

So here's my "to do" list...I need to add more, but this was my first attempt. My top 5 are:
  1. Become a "friend" of the local library
  2. Get to know my local librarians better
  3. Learn how to advocate for my library
  4. Find out what the issues are and FB everybody and their brother about them
  5. Attend a city council meeting
If I want libraries to be around for my kids to enjoy, then I'm going to have to start making a statement about why these places are important, and not just to me, but from a community point of view. The "why" is a heck of a lot more important these days than the "what".

So out with the bun and the 'shushing'; no more whining about how we are devalued, underpaid, not appreciated...we aren't having that anymore...it's time for a change in our voices and I want to start ushering in that change in my own way.




  1. you go girl. and +clink+

    p.s. that's all fine and well but when are we knitting?

    i kid.

    p.s.s. I love one of the downtown librarians but can't remember her name. She is in the children's section - red hair. she is AWESOME! you two should chat.

  2. I think I know who you mean!....we usually go to Lewisville but I'm going to join the 'friends' group at Central. Heck, I might join both..; )

    ps...thanks for being my loyal supporter...we shall knit soon...
