
"Character Welcome" in the library

I finally finished my goals assignment for my field experience course on Friday.  This probably isn't a difficult assignment for most school librarians.  Those of you who have been doing this for awhile might laugh at my lack of experience - I'm painfully slow at selecting materials and pulling things together!  I'm sure, over time, I'll get where I need to, but this was a very fun and somewhat labor intensive project for me.

I just posted my pictures on my tumblr account - the 'before' and 'after' of the shelves and display - so you can check out what I did.  (Bibliography of books from the school library - if you are interested!).

I chose to create a book display based on character development topics.  The reason for my project was 1) because it was required for my class but 2) because I wanted to do something that might have a subtle impact.  Kids come to the media center with the guidance counselor in the mornings and afternoons on alternate weeks.  They discuss topics, such as peer pressure and bullying, and then watch a video on how to handle certain situations.  I wanted to give them a chance to explore some of the topics they are discussing in this class through the language of books.

We've all had great books touch us in some way.  Maybe as a way of modeling responses, the book characters will give students a way to express themselves and protect themselves, more than watching the videos.  I've not done any hard and fast research studies on how book characters can affect actual behavior, for better or worse, but I do believe that if we find a character whom we admire for whatever character traits they portray (trust, loyalty, bravery, respect, leadership, etc.), don't we somehow want to emulate them and be viewed in the same way?  I remember wanting be seen as Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird for years because of her attitude, chutzpah and courage. (In some ways, I think I still want to be Scout ; )

I'll be observing to see if any books from my display get check out over the next few weeks.  Fingers crossed...I'll keep you posted to learn what happens!

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